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Asian Myrmecology

Asian Myrmecology is a new, peer-reviewed, yearly journal dedicated to the study of Asian ants. It publishes original refereed research papers on ants in or from Asia and covers all the different areas of modern ant research, including:
- Taxonomy
- Biogeography
- Ecology
- Ethology
- Genetics
- Conservation evaluation
- Applied myrmecology
Asian Myrmecology is published by the International Network for the Study of Asian Ants, ANeT. Through publishing this journal we seek to realize one of the major aims of ANeT: to support those in the younger generation who will develop myrmecology and contribute to biodiversity conservation in Asia. We eagerly await contributions from students and beginners as well as established professionals.
Homepage Asian Myrmecology


ANeT is an international network for ant research (myrmecology) in Asia, and aspires to promote this field of science in Asia through research and development, the establishment of "a system of" comprehensive local ant collections, and the efficient communication and networking necessary for conservation of ants in particular and Asian biodiversity in general.

Myrmecological News

Myrmecological News is an independent, international, peer reviewed, non-profit journal. It offers rapid means of publication on all fields of ant research, in a lively mix of research and review articles. Myrmecol. News is printed at least once a year. In the online version articles are published as soon as they are ready.
Homepage Myrmecological News

Notes from the Underground

Part of the website "Army Ants" from Gordon Snelling.
Notes from the Underground


The serial SOCIOBIOLOGY, published by California State University Chico, was founded by its present editor in 1975 to provide a more timely publication of quality papers by researchers of social animals. The serial has grown substantially since it was first published and as a result of the growth in computer based technologies, improvement in quality has been made as well. Over the years the majority of the papers have dealt with, but are not limited to, the various aspects of the biology of social insects such as termites and ants along with many of the insects associated with them.
Homepage Sociobiology

Insectes Sociaux

Insectes Sociaux (IS) is the journal of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI). It covers the various aspects of the biology and evolution of social insects and other presocial arthropods; these include ecology, ethology, morphology, systematics, population genetics, reproduction, communication, sociobiology, caste differentiation and social parasitism. The journal publishes original research papers and reviews, as well as short communications. An international editorial board of 23 eminent specialists attests to the high quality of Insectes Sociaux, a forum for all scientists and readers interested in the study of social insects.
Insectes Sociaux


HALTERES - a peer reviewed journal (Published by Organisation for Conservation and Study of Biodiversity (CSBD) in collaboration with ANeT-India {regional concern of ANeT-International Network for Study of Ants, Head Office:Institute for Tropical Biology & Conservation University Malaysia, Sabah Locked Bag 2073, 88999 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia} focuses on entomological research with the thrust areas: insect taxonomy/bio-diversity, biology, evolution, biogeography, ecology, ethology, genetics, physiology and conservation etc.